Chassis, Frame, Body - Automobile - MCQs & Answers

Chassis, Frame, Body - Automobile -MCQs & Answers

This post is entitled by Chassis, Frame, Body - Automobile - MCQs & Answers. If you are looking for MCQs and their answers for Chassis, frame, and body in an automobile then here they are. Here I give you every possible MCQs and their answers based on Chassis, frame, and body in an automobile engineering.

Chassis, Frame, Body - Automobile - MCQs & Answers

1.     Which type of the frame used for most of heavy vehicles?

a.      Conventional frame

b.     Integral of unit construction or Frameless chassis

c.      Half integral and half frame chassis

d.     Chassis less

Answer: a

2.     Which one material used for chassis frame?

a.      Aluminium

b.     Steel

c.      Iron

d.     Stainless steel

Answer: b

3.     The cross member is used to ….

a.      Increase size of frame

b.     Increase flexibility of frame

c.      Increase strength of frame

d.     Increase Component of frame

Answer: c

4.     Inswept is give….

a.      Smaller turning circle

b.     Room for vertical moment of the rear axle

c.      Support the body vehicle

d.     Space foe mounting

Answer: a    (Inswept at the front have better steering loch which give smaller turning circle and provides space for the pivoting and swinging of the front wheel)

5.     The extension of the chassis frame ahead of the front axle is known as…

a.      Rear overhang

b.     Body bracket

c.      Front overhang

d.     Spring bracket

Answer: c

6.     In commercial vehicle layout engine is located forward, rear or under floor mainly to

a.      Better utilization of space

b.     Increase fuel economy

c.      Better weight distribution

d.     Reduce the weight of chassis

Answer: c

7.     Engine is fitted front of driver seat or in driver cabin then its called….

a.      Full Forward Chassis

b.     Semi-forward Chassis

c.      Bus chassis

d.     None of above

Answer: a

8.     In which one vehicle used semi-forward chassis?

a.      Bus

b.     Car

c.      Tata-Mercedez trucks

d.     Tractor

Answer: c (Semi-forward chassis is fitted in such a way that half in driver compartment and half in front of driver compartment)

9.     Engine is fitted at the front and the drive to wheel is provided from rear wheels

a.      Front engine-front wheel drive

b.     Front engine in crosswise manner-rear wheel drive

c.      Front engine- rear wheel drive

d.     None of above

Answer: c

10.                        The purpose of adding pigment to the paint is that it

a.      Optimize the viscosity of paint

b.     Makes paint film hard

c.      Gives colour and filling up effect to the paint

d.     None of above

Answer: c

11.                        A heat treated glass generally used in automobile burst into……….. upon cracking.

a.      Sharp edged fragment

b.     Small particles

c.      Large particles

d.     None of above

Answer: b

12.                        A laminated glass upon cracking

a.      Bursts into sharp edged fragments

b.     Burst into granular pieces

c.      Sandwiched layer traps the fragment

d.     Brake into form of crystal

Answer: c

13.                         The ability of material to absorb impact energy and to protect the passenger is called ……. Of structure

a.      Crashworthiness

b.     Crack less

c.      Crack prevented

d.     Crashworthiness

Answer: a

14.                        Basic requirement of materials used in automobile..

a.      Light weight

b.     Cost effective

c.      Ability to recycle

d.     All of above

Answer: d

15.                        Which material is used for bodywork and wheels?

a.      Aluminium

b.     Magnesium

c.      Steel

d.     Plastic

Answer: steel

16.                        Which material used for body structures, closures and exterior attachment?

a.      Aluminium

b.     Steel

c.      Plastic

d.     Magnesium

Answer: a

17.                        Which material is not suitable for mass production?

a.      Steel

b.     Aluminium

c.      Magnesium

d.     Plastic

Answer: c (because it cost is high)

18.                        Main disadvantage of plastic is

a.      Low weight

b.     Low density

c.      High flexibility

d.     Low cost

Answer: b

19.                        Which one is not plastic or polymer?

a.      PP (Polypropylene)

b.     PUR (Polyurethane)

c.      ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

d.     All above

Answer: d

20.                        Specially composite material is used for

a.      Car

b.     Heavy truck

c.      Racing and sport car

d.     Bus

Answer: c

21.                        Selection of body member section depends on….

a.      Appearance

b.     Loading condition

c.      Weight of vehicle

d.     wheel

Answer: b

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