Brakes - Automobile Engineering -MCQs & Answers for GTU

MCQs for Brakes for GTU exam

In this post, I share MCQs and their answer for brake in automobile engineering, if you want to download pdf then, at last, I give a link. This is the first part of  MCQs. As time goes, I will update this post with some more MCQs.

1.      The Basic function of Brakes is

a.       To control the vehicle to be retained when descending a hill

b.      To stop or slow down the vehicle in the shortest possible distance in emergencies

c.       Stop the vehicle with safety

d.      All above

Answer : d

2.      Braking Distance is….

a.       Proportional to brake efficiency

b.      Proportional to square of the speed

c.       Inversely proportional to Velocity

d.      Proportional to deceleration

Answer: b

3.      Stopping Distance =………

a.       V2/2a

b.      V/a

c.       a/V

d.      V/2a

Answer: a

4.      Which one cause wheel skidding from following option?

a.       The braking force on the wheel is less than the force of adhesion

b.      The braking force on the wheel is graters than the force of adhesion

c.       The braking force on the wheel is equal to the force of adhesion

d.      None of above

Answer: b

5.      Two leading she type also called…

a.       Sliding Brake

b.      Friction brake

c.       Floating anchor type brake

d.      Mechanical brake

Answer: Floating anchor type brake

6.       The main function of master cylinder is to

a.       Adjust the extent of brake pedal free play

b.      Boost the force to brake pedal

c.       Convert brake pedal force into hydraulic pressure

d.      Ensure that all the wheel brakes are supplied with the same amount of fluide pressure

Answer: C

7.      When the front wheels of a vehicle locked during braking, then

a.       Stopping distance becomes extremely long

b.      Front tyres skid across the road surface , and the vehicle spine around

c.       Rear tyres skid across the road surface , and the vehicle spine around

d.      Driver loses control over the steering and vehicle continues moving in its current direction

Answer: d

8.      During braking, the brake shoe is moved outward the lining against the

a.       Wheel piston or cylinder

b.      Anchor pin

c.       Brake drum

d.      Wheel rim or axle

Answer: c

9.      The effect of vapor locking on the brake performance is that the

a.       Brake function more effectively

b.      Brakes fail completely

c.       Brake operation is delayed after depression of the brake pedal

d.      Vapor locking has no effect  on brake performance

Answer: b

10.  The condition that causes vapor locking in a brake system is

a.       An excessively high engine speed on a downhill

b.      Keeping the vehicle without use for an extended period

c.       Overheating of the fluid due to frequent brake application

d.      Overcooling of the brakes during high speed drive

11.  The main function of master cylinder is to

a.       Adjust  the extent of brake pedal free play

b.      Boost the force applied the brake pedal

c.       Convert brake pedal force into hydraulic pressure

d.      Ensure that all the wheel brakes are supplied with same amount of fluid pressure

Answer: c

12.  The main function of brake fluid is

a.       Lubrication

b.      Power transmission

c.       Cooling

d.      None of these

Answer: b

13.  In ventilated disc brake

a.       A duct directs air towerds the caliper for cooling while the vehicle moving

b.      Caliper is covered with cooling fins

c.       Disc contains many small holes for optimum cooling performance

d.      Disc contains redial vanes between its rubbing surfaces for optimum cooling performance

Answer: d

14.  The sequence in which the force is transmitted through a brake pedal is depressed is

a.       Brake pedal, master cylinder, brake lines, vacuum servo mechanism, brake pads

b.      Brake pedal, vacuum servo mechanism , master cylinder, brake lines, brake pads

c.       Brake pedal, master cylinder, vacuum servo mechanism brake lines, brake pads

d.      Brake pedal, master cylinder, brake lines, vacuum servo mechanism, brake pads

Answer: b

15.  The advantage of having a tandem master cylinder arrangement in automobiles is that it

a.       Enhance safety by serving two independent line in a divided line brake circuit

b.      Enhance safety by activating the brakes using vacuum pressure in the event of brake fluid loss

c.       Supplies equal fluid pressure to each line of a devided line brake circuit, thereby  preventing the brakes from dragging on one side

d.      Boosts the brake fluid pressure

e.       To reduce the force required to depress the brake pedal

Answer: a

16.  The operation of removing trapped air from the hydraulic braking system is known as

a.       Trapping

b.      Tapping

c.       Bleeding

d.      Cleaning

Answer: c

17.  What is provide for removing trapped air from master cylinder?

a.       Tapper Screw

b.      Orifice

c.       Hole

d.      Bleeder Screw

Answer: d

18.  The brake pedal during ABS operation

a.       Is pushed upward forcefully

b.      Pedal stroke becomes longer

c.       Transmits slight kickback to the driver’s foot

d.      All of the above

Answer: c

19.  The power source for a brake booster is

a.       Exhaust manifold pressure

b.      Electricity

c.       The pressure difference between the atmospheric pressure and the vacuum pressure in the intake manifold

d.      Hydraulic pump

Answer: c

20.  The minimum parking brake force is generally…….. of gross vehicle mass(GVM)

a.       5%

b.      10%

c.       15%

d.      20%

Answer: d

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